The new name for high 5 sports
Frequently Asked Questions
What does the schedule of a holiday camp day look like?
Following registration, Children take part in organised warm up games and activities before then playing more fun activities related to the theme of the day. Break time is usually around 10:45am with lunch between 12:30pm - 1:30pm. All activities throughout the day are organised and led by coaches, with the children participating in teams or individually with clear objectives of every activity.
What are the ratios of coaches to children?
We follow a 1:15 ratio when working with children, however we aim to keep it to 1:12 on most days where possible. We have a minimum of three staff per location.
Do all of your staff have the necessary checks?
All of our staff hold a current DBS check and lead coaches of each venue have a paediatric first aid certificate. A large majority of our lead coaches hold degrees in Physical education or related disciplines, some are qualified teachers working in schools throughout term time.
How do I pay with Childcare Vouchers or Tax free Childcare?
To pay with childcare vouchers, all you need to do is select which sessions you would like on the website then apply the coupon code for childcare vouchers, for this season it is FEB2025. Then you have 5 business days to make the transfer with your voucher company. You will then get an email to confirm you booking when the vouchers have been received.
How much is a camp day?
This depends on the camp venue it ranges from £30-£37 a day per child.
Does my child need a packed lunch?
Yes please, We play hard all day so the children need lots to eat. We give the children a morning break so please pack a heathy snack to eat. We do ask, that you do not pack any nuts or nut products in your child’s lunch bag, and no fizzy drinks too. The children as well need a refillable water bottle to use through out the day.
What clothing does my child need to bring?
It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that their child is provided with appropriate clothing and footwear for their selected activity; usually this is simply jogging trousers, t-shirt and sports trainers. Children must bring their own shin pads when playing football. They might want to bring an extra change of clothes and a towel to the wet and wacky days.
Are there any consent forms I need to fill out?
You will now be asked to complete an online consent form the first time you book your child with our new booking system. We also ask you complete a paper copy on your first day so we have both accessible on location. We like to also have a paper copy as this is our first point of reference when outside playing games, if we need to access any medical information. Here is a link to consent form,
If I booked already can I change the day I would like?
Usually it isn't a problem for us to transfer your booking to another day. Simply email and request and we will do our best to make this happen for you.
Are the venues safe and secure?
We only use venues that are closed to the public, usually primary or secondary schools. Following registration either the front gate and/or front door is locked. We only use certain halls, fields and areas of the school and at all times children at supervised. Children are not allowed to wander the school or go into classrooms.
Do you have a new booking system and how does it work?
When you go to book for clubs or holiday camps, you will be now directed to a new booking system on the Active Network Software. Following your first time booking, the system will store your details, making booking in future much easier. This new system allows us to communicate better the days you have booked and allows us to securely set the number of places for each venue for each day. So please be sure to book early in case a day fills up.
Holiday Camps
You can now book all year round, February, Easter, May, Summer and October. Simply choose a venue nearest you by clicking below
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